
Helmets are for beginners, right?

Lately there have been a few skiing accidents out west. These accidents were caused mostly by avalanche but they made me think about safety on the mountain. Any way you look at it, going down a mountain with equipment strapped to your feet is dangerous. While looking at some skiing websites I came across a few articles relating to helmet use. Dr. Stewart Levy a brain surgeon in Denver, Colorado has treated many patients who suffer from brain injuries due to a skiing/snowboarding accident. In his experience Levy believes that when a skier or snowboarder is wearing a helmet they are 42% less likely to sustain brain damage. This statistic is evidence that wearing a helmet can prevent serious injury no matter what type of skier or snowboarder you are.

What is my opinion when it comes to helmets? Well while I was younger and was learning to ski, helmets were new. Not many people wore them and if they did it was mostly little kids. I never had a helmet. About 3 years ago I was finally fed up with wearing hats because they always seem to ride up on my head and my ears get cold. To fix my cold ear problem I decided to buy a helmet. The helmet was the best thing I have bought for skiing. About three weeks ago it was pretty warm while skiing and my head was hot so I decided to not wear my helmet. It felt so weird. Not only did I feel like I was missing something but I also did not feel safe. I caught myself skiing slower and being much more cautious. I only went down the mountain once without it . I never realized that I became so dependent on my helmet. I will never ski again without it.

Not only are helmets a safety precaution but they have also become very fashionable. They are now available if many colors and styles. Now on the mountain about 75% of people are wearing helmets. When you see racing teams on the mountain they are all wearing helmets. Even though they are good, they still take precautions.

Accidents can happen to anyone. If you are a beginner or an expert you are still at risk. Even if you are a cautious on the mountain you still don't know the ability of other people on the slopes. Wearing a helmet can help you reduce your risk of brain injury during an accident and even keep your ears warm!

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