
Why all the brake lights?

In my life weekends mean skiing. This past Saturday I got up 6:00am on Saturday in order to leave at 7:00 for NH. Everything went as planned. We were on the road by 7am and moving quickly on the highway. By the time we went through the tolls in NH it was about 8:30am which was right on schedule. Then we saw the brake lights. All of a sudden all the traffic came to a complete stop on Route 93. Initially we thought it was a small fender bender because right ahead of us there were two cars that had hit each other. Little did we know there were many accidents ahead of us. So as we sat on RT 93 for 20 minutes everyone began to get irritated because we did not know what was going on. Finally a cop came by and told us there was a thirty car pile up about 2 miles ahead of us and the highway was closed. We couldn't believe it. Since we were just stuck in traffic everyone started to get out of their cars and began to socialize. What else were we supposed to do? Everyone around us was going skiing at WV. After about 45 minutes the fire department from the closest town was walking up and down the rows of cars to check on everyone to make sure no one was hurt. The firefighters did not know any more than we did. They expected us to be in traffic for about 3 hours. Fortunately they were wrong. By about 10:00am traffic began to move. As we creeped along the highway, all we saw were cars off the road. The black ice had caused one van to swerve and hit a tractor trailer which caused the pile up. The cars were demolished. Later on the news I heard one person had died.The total amount of cars involved was about 100.We were so lucky we were not part of the deadly pile up.

Finally by 11:30 we made it to WV. We were excited because there was fresh snow. Once we got on the slopes, we realized that the fresh snow had not been groomed yet and therefore was really heavy and hard to ski through. The conditions were not so great. After about 2.5 hours we called it a day and headed home to RI at about 3:00.

Even though the conditions were not great, we were lucky. We could have been on the side of the road and hurt because of the black ice. This ski trip was certainly exciting, however not the type of excitement we like.

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